Compound bows are expensive and when you see one going for less than $100, it is normal to question its quality. The SAS Siege compound bow is one of those crazy cheap compound bows whose price will have you thinking twice before buying. It has a slightly different design than that of your typical compound bow—which makes it a little special. The simple design and many of its other features are reason enough to believe that this bow is mainly for beginners and intermediate archers. This is not to mean that other archers cannot use it.
The SAS Siege is a product of Southland Archery Supply. The Southland Archery website says very little about the company. Although there is not much information about this company, it is a well-known fact that it has been in the outdoor products business for many years; and for the past 11 years or so, the manufacturers have focused solely on archery products. For a company to last this long, it has to offer state-of-the-art products to its clients, great user experience and outstanding customer care. That is exactly what Southland Archery Supply have been doing. In addition, all their products are affordable and accessible to almost every shooter.
The SAS Siege compound bow is a right-hand compound bow that can launch an arrow at a speed of 206 feet per second. Its maximum draw weight is 55 lbs. This poundage suits newbies as well as intermediate archers. The primary factor that makes the SAS Siege stand out is the price. The price is unbelievable. This goes for the package and pro package options that come with accessories as well. Despite being very cheap, this compound bow’s quality exceeds everyone’s expectations. Unlike the cheap bows you have used or heard about, this one feels very solid and shoots like an expensive piece.
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Summary of Features and Specifications
- Has compressed ABS limbs to ensure durability
- Has a simple twin cam system
- Riser is made using aluminum
- Comfortable grip
- Comes with a bow-mounted sight
- Bow press not needed for adjustment
- Pre-drilled holes for attaching accessories
- Solid and durable
- Draw weight adjustable 40 lbs to 55 lbs
- Draw length is 29”
- The axle-to-axle length is 41.5”
- Has a let-off of 70%
- Has a maximum speed of 206 FPS
- Weighs 4 lbs
- Brace height is 7.5”
- Three-year warranty
Closer Look at Features and Specifications
The SAS Siege 55 lbs compound bow features a simple dual cam system. The cams are small in size and contribute to the simple look of this compound bow. Dual cam bows have a few advantages over single cam bows. For instance, dual cam compound bows are faster and you will enjoy a smoother draw-cycle. In addition to this advantages, the small cams in the SAS Siege are heavy-duty. Their best feature is their small size. It eliminates, almost completely, the noise that dual cam compound bows are known for.
The limbs are made of compressed ABS plastic while the riser is made of aluminum. The compressed plastic is a very sturdy and durable material that can stand years and years of shooting. It is also very light and contributes to the general lightweight of the bow. The design of the limbs has definitely been carefully thought of. The aluminum that makes the riser, like the compressed plastic, is very light. Almost all compound bows in the market have risers made of aluminum for this reason. Besides, it is long lasting.
The SAS Siege is available in a right-hand version. It is meant for any archer who draws with their right hand. Obviously, not all shooters use their right hand to draw but most of them do. Not many people will be locked out of using the SAS Siege. If you are one of the few left-handed archers, keep hope alive—maybe Southland Archery Supply will release a version for you soon.
The draw weight is adjustable 40 lbs to 55 lbs. One thing that makes compound bows better than recurves is draw weight adjustment. The poundage in recurves can be adjusted too but it is such a process. You have to change the limbs. With compound bows it is easy. This range of draw weight offered by the SAS Siege is suitable for some beginners, intermediate archers and probably expert shooters. “Some beginners” because the lower limit draw weight may be a little too high for a few, especially if they are children.
The SAS Siege compound bow has a draw length of 29”. The draw length is not adjustable but it can accommodate someone with a 30” draw length. It is weird that the Siege does not have an adjustable draw length. This puts it at a disadvantage since most of the competing models can be adjusted. There are some people who claim that you can adjust the draw length. These claims have not been verified by Southland Archery Supply. As far as the company is concerned, the Siege’s draw length is not adjustable. If you decide to make the adjustment, do it at your own risk—you could very well mess up with the warranty.
A bow press is not required to make the draw weight adjustment. It is never enough to just make a compound bow with adjustable poundage. What use is the adjustability if it is a headache in itself? Southland Archery Supply get it. You can conveniently change the poundage of your compound bow anywhere, anytime, as the situation requires. There is no need for you to go looking for a pro every single time. You can also teach your teen how to do it. It is so simple.
There are pre-drilled holes for accessories. You can mount all the devices that you prefer to use without drilling an extra hole. The ones provided are definitely enough. If you buy a bow without these bushings (it is, however, not easy to find a compound bow without them) you may have to drill it yourself and lose the warranty altogether.
The SAS Siege compound bow has a let-off of 70%. Although the lower limit draw weight is not low and may be uncomfortable for newbies, the let-off feature makes things better for them. At full draw, the cams activate and help you bear 70% of the draw weight. Even if you set the draw weight to the highest limit, 55 lbs, at full draw you will only need to hold about 16.5 lbs. The let-off feature comes in quite handy. 70% is not the highest, but considering the fact that even the highest limit is not that high, it is ideal.
The maximum speed of the SAS Siege is 206 FPS. This makes it a very powerful compound bow. The speed is not the best and given the maximum poundage, you will definitely not be killing any buffaloes or grizzly bears. However, you can still take down small game. If you believe in your accuracy, you can kill deer and antelopes with your SAS Siege; just make sure you have set it to the maximum draw weight. Also, try to hit a vital organ— that way your success will be guaranteed.
The axle-to-axle length is 41.5”. Other features may make the SAS Siege suitable for young archers, but its axle-to-axle length may limit their use. This length is ideal for adult archers or, at least, tall ones. Many people do not consider the axle-to-axle length when buying compound bows when, in fact, it is a very important feature. If you consider yourself tall, then you will enjoy the SAS Siege.
This bow weighs 4 lbs. Generally speaking, many people will find the weight comfortable. With lighter bows in the market, some shooters may choose to go with a lighter option. However, there is really no issue with 4 lbs, if anything, the weight is great for an adult. It gives your compound bow balance and contributes to accuracy.
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Package Contents
Like many SAS bows, the SAS Siege compound bow does not come with any accessories but there are optional packages (in this case, two of them) that contain devices. Therefore, you have three buying options.
With the first option, you only get a SAS Siege compound bow and a paper target. You have three colors to choose from, black, camo and silver/black.
The second option is a package that includes:
- A sight light
- 5-pin bow sight
- Stabilizer
- Arrow rest
- Paper target
- Tube peep sight
- Bow sling
The third and last option comes with more accessories. It contains:
- 3-pin bow sight
- 6 carbon arrows
- Quiver
- D-loop
- Twister arrow rest
- 5” aluminum stabilizer
- Leather mounting sling
- Peep sight
- Paper target
Why You Should Buy the SAS Siege 55 Lbs Compound Bow
The draw weight is adjustable and you can change it to suit the situation or your health condition. Since you can shoot with a poundage of 40 lbs to 55 lbs, you are free to either increase or decrease it to the suitable level. When you are feeling too tired, sick or like shooting leisurely, you can set your bow to 40 lbs and still enjoy archery. When you are feeling tough and ready to take down some big game, set the bow to 55 lbs and bring out the hunter in you.
You will not need a bow press or any complicated tool for the adjustment. You may have heard people talk about how hard it can be to adjust a compound bow. Depending on the model, this process can be complicated. And you know that one small mistake may end up costing you a lot. The SAS Siege eliminates (or at least reduces) the risk of something going wrong. By making the process extremely simple, beginners and teens can make their own adjustments without the help of a pro.
There are three buying options and all of them are affordable. One of the things that make the SAS Siege totally awesome is that you have several buying options. Do you have all the necessary accessories and are just looking for a bow? No problem. Are you on a tight budget and need the bow together with a few necessary accessories? Southland Archery Supply have got you. Are you looking to buy everything at once as a single package? That is available too. This way, the manufacturer makes things very easy for you. The prices of the packages will blow you away. Nothing costs above $200.
It has a wide let-off. Many beginner compound bows allow for a lower draw weight, about 30 lbs. The draw weight on the SAS Siege begins at 40 lbs. Small sized archers and maybe teens who are just starting out may find this to be too high. However, with a let-off like 70%, they can shoot it just as well as intermediate archers can. The let-off allows them to bear just a fraction of the overall draw weight at full draw. Moreover, this let-off gives you time to perfect your aim before you make your shot. Without it, that would be a little difficult because you would quickly get tired.
The weight is great. It has been mentioned that you will come across compound bows that weigh less than the Siege (3 – 3.5 lbs). This bow is still within the standard weight of a hunting bow. Being a little heavier only means that it has better balance. The weight of a bow is usually not that important as long as it feels great in your hands, does not wear you out after a few minutes and it is not too light that it interferes with accuracy. Anyway, as far as weight is concerned, the SAS Siege is just perfect.
There are so many pre-drilled holes to help you attach all your accessories. Compound bows are better with devices. They enhance the shooting experience and help with accuracy. Your SAS Siege compound bow comes with so many holes so you do not have to drill any on your own. Buying a bow without holes will probably require you to take it to an archery shop and drop a few bucks to get it drilled. You will also mess up the warranty and if anything goes wrong, you will have yourself to blame. To save yourself all that trouble, buy the SAS Siege.
It is affordable. How often do you come across compound bows that go for as low as $90? Definitely not often. SAS bows are usually affordably priced and the Siege is one of the cheapest.
The Downside of the SAS Siege Compound Bow
The draw length is not adjustable. Honestly, this is not good. Compound bows are known for their versatility. It is one of the main reasons why people prefer them over recurves. Most of them allow for a wide range of draw weights and draw lengths. Archers are able to share them with other members of their families regardless of age. An adjustable draw length also means that if you buy a compound bow for your child, they could grow with it. The SAS Siege does not come with this advantage. It can only be used by shooters with a draw length of 29”. Maybe those with a draw length of 30” can try to use it but the manufacturer only says 29”.
The speed is a little too low. There are many bows, even within the same price range that have better speed. 206 FPS is not the worst but it is low when you consider a few things. Speed helps with the arrow’s trajectory. You have a higher chance of hitting your mark when the arrow is flying at a high speed. Another thing, when an arrow is fast, it is likely to inflict a deep wound and kill the animal instantly—which is what you want. At a speed of 206 FPS, you better aim for a vital organ or shoot from a short distance; otherwise, your prey may just walk away after you shoot it.
The Siege compound bow is probably too long for many archers. The axle-to-axle length is a feature that you need to be keen on when buying a compound bow. Generally, longer bows are preferred to shorter bows because some people say that they help with accuracy. However, that largely depends on the shooter’s height. The standard length— the sweet spot, if you may—is 30-33”. Going by this, the SAS Siege would be considered too long for most users. In the hands of some shooters, it will be uncomfortable and maybe interfere with accuracy.
What Users Are Saying
The SAS Siege compound bow is highly rated in retail sites. You will find very many nice comments about it and a few not-too-nice ones. Find out what made customers happy or annoyed.
Most users are blown away. They expected the Siege to be solid but not as solid as it turned out to be. Given how much they paid for it, they say that the deal is way too good. Some of the accessories included are not that good but others are okay.
The Siege has proven to be powerful. One user says that he killed a male razorback with it. Another one says that it may be too powerful for small-sized women and kids. It shoots accurately and is perfect for hunting.
Many archers advise you to take your SAS Siege for tuning before you begin using it. The manual included is nothing close to reliable.
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The SAS Siege compound bow is not perfect—no bow is. However, for its price, it can be easily considered one of the best compound bows. It is great mainly for beginners and intermediate archers. Seasoned shooters will probably prefer a bow that allows for higher draw weights. For a beginner bow, the Siege is very powerful. A lot of thought and technology was put into its design, resulting in a stylish and solid hunting bow. You can do so much with this bow, from target archery to hunting some sizeable game.
The Siege is perfect for someone on a budget. There is no reason to wait until you have saved up $400. You also do not need to spend all your savings on your first bow. It will appeal to people who like a gorgeous bow. The three shades are all awesome. Bottom line: the SAS Siege 55 lbs compound bow is a fantastic piece that will blow your mind.